Training Outline

  • Day 1: Discover the possibilities of Manufacturing

    Join AWT staff and instructors to learn about the different career paths in manufacturing. Complete a hands-on activity to simulate the manufacturing process.

  • Day 2: Build from a Blueprints (Intro to Print Reading)

    Learn the foundations of Blueprint Reading and building from a blueprint. By using engaging and easy-to-work materials, learn the basic components of a blueprint and practice real-world applications.

  • Day 3: Reviewing the Basics (Shop Math)

    Reviewing basic math topics is helpful in every type of manufacturing. Commonly referred to as shop math or applied math, we will review decimals and fractions, the metric v. english measurement systems, and basic algebra.

  • Day 4: Safety in the Workplace

    From OSHA basics to industry-specific workplace hazards, this lesson provides foundational knowledge of occupational safety and health standards appropriate for manufacturing careers.

  • Day 5: The Art of Machining

    Become familiar with the parts and functions of manual machines. Discover when you would use manual machinery and which piece is better suited for the job. Learn how to perform basic tasks such as cutting down parts and drilling holes.

  • Day 6: Practice makes Perfect (Shop Math)

    Continue to practice the shop math concepts reviewed on day three. Review geometry and trigonometry concepts and use hands-on examples for how they apply in the manufacturing workplace.

  • Day 7: Metrics and Measurement (Introduction to Inspection)

    Learn the different types of measuring tools and equipment used in manufacturing. Discover the purpose of each device and practice proper measuring technique. Apply lessons in math and blueprint reading to understand the quality process.

  • Day 8: The Technology of Manufacturing (CNC Machining)

    Discover the world of possibilities with a CNC machine. Observe parts being made with intense accuracy and high speed. Engage in an introduction to programming through engaging and easy-to-use materials.

  • Day 9: Preparing for your Career

    Our community partners will be providing crucial information on a variety of soft skills, aiming to assist in the interview process and beyond. Various community partners will provide helpful resume writing and interviewing tips.

  • Day 10: Meet your Future Employer

    Hear from the local employers who are hiring directly from this program. Learn about the history of the company, positions available, benefits, and the interview process. Explore the opportunities available to you in Northeast, Ohio.